Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mobility Aids for Walking on Rough Terrain

We always love to hear from people who are willing and able to go outdoors and enjoy a walk or hike on rough terrain. Or sometimes people don't have a choice and live in rural areas with gravel or dirt roads. When mobility assistance is needed, a walker with larger wheels is the best choice to negotiate rough terrain. Two of our best rollators for this purpose are especially suited to the demands of a rough road.
The Trionic Walker is the ultimate aid for outdoor use that is in a category of its own. It is the ultimate choice for the hiking trail, golf course or any other outdoor situation where it is necessary to go off the beaten track. Go to this link and see pictures of its unique solid design. It is a new and groundbreaking rollator for the active user. It offers increased access to any outdoor environment and enables the user to be physically active at a higher degree. The two front wheelsare 12" which allows greater mobility on cobbles, gravel, grass, snow, the hiking trail, the golf course, the park and anywhere with uneven terrain.
The other great rollator for outside challenging walking, and priced much less, is the Dolomite Soprano. It is closer to a normal looking walker than the Trionic and does not negotiate the extreme terrain that the Trionic will. But it is the walker of choice for many outdoor situations.It can also be used inside very well in anyplace other than tight indoor spaces. With it's large wheelbase and 10 inch wheels, it rides smoothly over bumps and is easy to drive. The excellent ease of driving on uneven surfaces and the sturdy frame will help with mobility for places someone may not have thought they could go so smoothly.
Now that we are into the warmer weather and many people want or need to go outside, these are the two best rollators for "off-road" accessibility.

1 comment:

  1. Rollators comes in different sizes, number of wheels and types of breaks and seat combinations. They are ideal for people for who want the security and support of a mobility aid but are not dependent enough to need a traditional aids and still like to walk outdoors.
